How Great Things

How Great Things,
I Samuel 12:23, “Moreover as for me, God forbid that I should sin against the LORD in ceasing to pray for you: but I will teach you the good and the right way:”
What a humbling thought it is that I would be sinning against the Lord when I quit praying for someone that God has placed on my heart and in my life to minister to. I love it that it goes one step further and doesn’t stop with prayer. The next step is to teach the good and the right way. I can do this by example and by actual lessons whether that be in day-to-day conversations or sit down lessons. It is a part of passing on what God has taught it.
This verse and the one that follows are what I would call my life verses. I Samuel 12:24 says, “Only fear the LORD, and serve him in truth with all your heart: for consider how great things he hath done for you.” Here are two more things for me to put importance on in my life. I need to fear the Lord first of all. He is an all-powerful God who wants to guide me in this life. When I serve Him, I must do it in truth. Which means I must study Scripture to know what the truth is. I must do this with my whole heart. There is no room for doing this nonchalantly or at my convenience. I must do it passionately, holding nothing back. All of this because I am considering how great things He hath done for me. Oh, the wonders of all He has done. Beginning with salvation for myself and those I love, on to His constant show of mercy and grace, and then the day by day provisions and care; He has never failed to do great things for me. I could do nothing less for this great and loving God than to follow these two verses and the many others God has given us.

written by: Sherry Eubanks

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